I have a lot of friends, but I really only have a tight circle. One of the people in my circle, Sarah, suddenly died a short while ago.
Sarah and I only met once, some years ago, but we were friends long before that. And we’ve been friends since that. We talked weekly. She encouraged me to do screenplays. She often bounced ideas with me about my writing. She often talked me down from proverbial ledges.
And now she’s gone.
She’d gone through some health issues before (I won’t go into detail to protect her privacy, though she was pretty open about it), but seemed to be on the mend. She was excited about finally going back to work and getting out of the house.
Sarah was a good person. She was a great person. She was one of the few I can say was true blue. If she didn’t like you, she let you know. If she loved you, she bent over backward for you. She was, by all accounts, just an amazing human being.
I was very lucky to have Sarah as my friend and I miss her terribly. I had her saved as one of my favorites in my phone. She was a page manager for my author account. We would talk about our favorite crush, Chris Evans, for hours in texts.
She was one of my best friends.
It’s going to be weird for me to figure out how to navigate now that I don’t have one of my Day Ones with me. I feel for her sisters, Bobbi and Amanda, her brother, Tony, and her nephews she loved so much.
I’ll repeat what I posted on her tribute wall:
I’ve struggled to write something and I honestly just don’t know if I have the right words. Every time we’ve texted, we always said I love you to each other. We always wanted each other to know no matter what, we had each other’s backs. You were the realest.
You helped me with writing, brainstorming, and just being that ear for me to vent. You were one of the best people I’ve ever known, and I’m very proud you called me your friend.
I’ll miss you forever. I’ll miss our random text convos about our shared crush, Chris Evans. I’ll miss your witty sense of humor that always made me laugh. I’ll just miss you.
One sweet day, we’ll meet again. And you’re going to introduce me to all the celebrities you’ve become besties with, lol. And you’re going to show me all around. And you’re going to make wisecracks as usual. And I’ll love every minute of it.
Sleep well, my beautiful friend.